Posts Tagged ‘upper peninsula’

World Wide Knit in Public Day

June 9, 2009


Attention yarn lovers – are you ready for World Wide Knit in Public Day? We will be holding a World Wide Knit in Public event at Village Fabrics & Crafts on June 20th starting at 10am, and we are extending our invitation to this event to all of those who love yarn – knitters, crocheters, those who use knitting looms and even those who would like to learn.  If the weather co-operates we hope to be able to be outside, if not our classroom will be available so you can come rain or shine!  You will need to bring a project, lawn chair, beverage, lunch (or go out for lunch), sun screen, friends and anything else to make your day fun and comfortable.  If love yarn and want to learn how to knit or crochet; bring your enthusiasm and we will teach you how!  This is a FREE EVENT and there will be lots of really good door prizes, too! Contact us if you have any questions and to let us know that you will be joining in on the fun.  Stay for the whole day or as long as your schedule permits.

We will hope to see you and your yarn on Sat. June 20!  Till next time – happy crafting!

Lisa 🙂

May 28, 2009

May 28, 2009

Spring has definitely sprung and summer is on its way!  You can almost see the leaves on the trees grow everyday.  With the rain we are having today the woods is full of the most beautiful green colors.  One would never realize that there where that many shades of green- how inspiring.

To inspire you I have some new things to show you.  My sons’ favorite new thing is this great play tent, we even let him make the final decision on which fabric he liked best.


There are so many wonderful fabrics that you could use to make this tent.  You could choose leaves, bark looking fabric, flowers anything!  In fact it is fun to let the kids choose and see what they pick out.  This pattern from Maw Bell also includes a pattern for a sleeping bag.

Journey’s Beginning is a new collection of fabrics from Wilmington Prints.  We have kits available for this new quilt that features bears, deer and wolves.


The cutest little ballerina backpack fabric panel is here.  The fabric panel features all the outer backpack pieces and you just need batting and lining.  It assembles quickly and would make a great gift.


Looking for a great gift for a special someone –  this note book holder from This & That.  It could be for the kids to make notes, leave one in the car, carry one in your purse, give one to a friend, sketch new quilt designs, or make notes on your knitting project.  Fun and easy to make!


Enjoy the day and until next time happy crafting!

Lisa 🙂

Banner of the month club

February 2, 2008

Jan, Feb, and March BannersWe just finished the March banner of the month wall hanging. If you click on the small picture you can see the Jan., Feb. and March banners a little bigger. Of course the colors are much better in real life than in pictures and the photographer (that’s me!)was a little off center, because these banners are actually all the same size. We only have May, June and July left to make before we have the whole year completed. They are so cute hanging up on the wall in the shop.  These are kits and are available for sale.  Contact us for more information.

I just finished a quilt top I have been working on for the past few weeks. I will probably post that picture next week. It is bright, cheery and very springy. A big contrast to our beautiful, white snowy world. As I write there are lots of snowmobiles going by and it is snowing ever so lightly. So now that I have my quilt top finished I have to decide my next project. I have a couple of things in mind – a crochet sweater vest for Kyle, a couple of purses, the coolest floppy sun hat for keeping the summer sun off your face and probably a couple of more things that aren’t coming to mind at the moment. I love being able to have a list of different projects to choose from depending on my mood and time. Off to pick that new project – happy crafting!

“All Threads Lead to Paradise!”

Lisa 😉